Via Giovanni Pascoli, 3
20129, Milano
C.F. 96330980580
P.I. 06792491000
T. 02-29520311

41st EAPCCT Congress

25 maggio 2021 - 28 maggio 2021
41st EAPCCT Congress

The 41st EAPCCT Congress will be a virtual event.

Our custom is to welcome the Clinical Toxicology world to a great European location to share our science and experience in person and to build friendships at social events. However, a virtual congress also facilitates participation of those normally unable to attend to get a
‘flavour’ of the EAPCCT meeting.

Registration is now open; there are special booking offers for early registrants and for SPIs at
poisons centres worldwide.

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SITOX | Società Italiana di Tossicologia
Via Giovanni Pascoli, 3 - 20129 Milano | Tel: 02-29520311 | Email: segreteria@sitox.org